Seasonal Serenity: Embracing Autumn with Yoga Practices for Mind, Body + Soul
Yoga for Autumn harnesses the abundant Pitta energy which is vibrant, dynamic and full of fire - not too dissimilar to the feelings we can experience during our inner autumn, or the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle. Yoga practice for both the outer and inner autumn season encourages rejuvenation, open-heartedness and acceptance; it’s about cooling, quietening and soothing practises which also exercise our strength.
If you’re already a yoga practitioner, then Autumn can be a time to introduce gradually more vinyasa style practice. Or alternatively, simply holding poses with increased breath ratio in each pose (asana) will also increase the strength of the practice.
Since Autumn is predominantly Pitta, secondarily Vata season, we can personify the doshas to subdue their negative tendencies - namely such as frustration (Pitta) & anxiety (Vata). Pitta likes to feel as though they are progressing, with strong fiery energy to transform and Vata with their airy energy love to move.
A balanced Yoga practice for Autumn will be a combination of dynamic Vinyasas (movement coordinated with the breath) and holding some cooling poses, as counter to the abundant fire of Pitta and restful poses to promote stability as counter to the air of Vata.
If you’re a yogi, then you can make your own sequence from the list below, or join my Vedic Vitality Program or Seasonal Cleanse for some Autumn Yoga Videos. And if you’re not too familiar with yoga and the postures below, you can. incorporate any type of dynamic and strengthening movement practise as part of your routine - especially if you are in your inner autumn or luteal phase of your cycle.
Yoga Postures for Autumn
Sitting postures All good, except for Lion pose
Standing postures Are good to open the hips, like Tree pose, Trikonasana, Ardha Chandrasana (half moon)
Moon Salutations are excellent
Spinal twists Matsyedrasana, seated twists help to clear the liver
Forward bends are good, cooling and grounding effect on the mid-abdomen - legs open standing forward folds, child’s pose
Inverted poses Shoulder stand, Halasana
Backbends Bow pose, Cobra pose, Boat pose, Fish pose
Pranayama for Autumn
Sheetali Pranayama (cooling breath) or Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (alternate nostril breathing)
Mantra for Autumn
Peace mantra - Om saha naav avatu
Mudra for Autumn
Lotus mudra - to pacify anger & soften the heart
Happy practising in Autumn!