Ayurvedic Cleansing: A Pathway to Joy, Ease + Sustainable Good Health


Ayurvedic cleansing is empowering ~ it’s a journey of deeper self-discovery.

Often illness or dis-ease is an opportunity to take a pause, to re-assess and consider the influence of our lifestyle choices, relationships, diet and ask ourselves the uncomfortable question - What’s holding me back from living the life that I desire? And - How can I bring more joy and ease into my life?

What’s unique about cleansing the Ayurvedic-way is that it involves three stages; a preparation phase, the actual cleanse phase, and rejuvenation phase. When you read this or first hear about - it makes sense. It seems simple. However this key to understanding the detoxification process and the bodies ability to detox, is what lays at the heart of Ayurvedic wisdom.

This three-stage process of cleansing and detoxification is what enables the effects to cleanse much more deeply, deeper than just targeting a single organ or tissue through diet and herbal medicines alone. Ayurvedic cleansing is usually best practised over a minimum two to four week period, to allow the time for your body and mind to gently, and more deeply detoxify through the stages as mentioned above.

Couple this wisdom with the knowledge of the seasons, and we have a recipe for good health. Through seasonal ayurvedic cleansing, we can promote sustainable good health that will stand us in good stead for a lifetime. Not to mention the positive effects on our family, friends, partner and children!

If any increased dosha is not pacified naturally through a change in seasons, it undergoes further change and disease may result.

Vasant Lad

Ayurveda + Cleansing

When the frosty mornings pass and there’s a warmth to the air… Spring has ARRIVED 🌻

Spring is an opportunity to shed excess water in the body - that heaviness and stagnation that tends to accumulate (naturally, too) as a bit of extra weight over the Winter.

Spring marks the end of the cold, dark and long nights as nature herself begins to awaken and bring more light into the environment as we move towards Summer.

When the suns rays becomes warming to the heart and soul... Autumn is truly HERE 🍂

Autumn is the only season in which Vata - the wind & space element in our body & mind - is more easily balanced. Sweet relief! Anyone else?

Autumn marks the end of a long hot Summer season and the fire element tending to being aggravated. ⁠

Signs you can benefit from an Ayurvedic Cleanse

- you’re not sleeping well

- you’re feeling tired & sluggish

- you’re not satisfied with your eliminations ;)

- you’ve noticed a change with your menstrual cycle - periods are becoming very short/ long in-between

- you’re not hungry, hungry all the time, or have irregular appetite

- you’re experiencing chronic or recurring thrush UTIs⁠, vaginitis or excess vaginal discharge

- you’re experiencing headaches, migraines or hot flushes

- you’re experiencing acidity & reflux⁠ or generally feel acidic (perhaps a foul taste in mouth)

- you’re experiencing an increase in peri-menopause & menopause symptoms ⁠

- and generally feeling fatigued & running out of ‘steam' AKA burnout! ;)

Why cleanse at the end of the season?

⁠Autumn & Spring are two powerful times per year to CLEANSE the body and balance the doshas. ⁠Nature is literally SUPPORTING us to cleanse the accumulated toxins from our system after the Summer. We need to utilise the seasonal transitions as the optimal times of year to cleanse. I love this about Ayurveda ~ it's gentle, nature-inspired, subtle & yet profoundly deeply healing.⁠

As per Ayurveda, cleansing during the season in which the doshas are aggravated is untimely and possibly even detrimental to your health! You don’t want to cleanse your excessive fire when fire is already stirred up and aggravated.. that’s why we wait patiently until the recommended times of year to undergo deep ayurvedic detoxification (panchakarma). This is not just a kitchari cleanse!

The end of Autumn (mid May) is the best time to cleanse Vata and Pitta excesses.  The end of Spring (mid October) is the best time to cleanse Kapha excesses. Having said this, both the Autumn & Spring Cleanses offer an opportunity for all the doshas within to be pacified, and welcome more peace, joy, love, clarity and lightness into the mind and body, promoting these energies of sattwa. Cultivating sattwa also brings us more harmony in our relationships, and purpose in our work or life direction.

If you’d like to integrate the subtle and expansive effects of cleansing the Ayurvedic way, you’re invited you to join Asher-Lily for one of her upcoming Ayurvedic Cleanses. With a fully tailored 1-1 Cleanse Treatment plan, plus the support of a group, Art of Living Ayurveda’s 1-1 Seasonal Cleanse Program offers a truly unique and deeply transformative cleansing experience, right from the convenience of your home.

All the framework will be provided and then customised for your INDIVIDUALITY ~ your Prakriti & Vikriti.⁠ All of the herbs and prescriptions will be tailored for YOU so that the cleanse is able to meet you and offer you the best outcome for the long-term benefit.⁠

Book in for a complimentary call today to find out if this cleanse is right for you, right now, living your life!