Ayurvedic Detox Diet for Optimal Health + Fertility


The truth is that most of us, as hard as we try to be healthy, live lifestyles and work in environments that leave us with compromised digestion. In Ayurveda, compromised digestion is described as an imbalanced digestive fire, or agni. If left unchecked, as in, without ever periods of rest and detoxification for our digestive system, causes accumulation of undigested food waste in the gut and subsequent buildup of toxins, or ama.

In addition to ama being produced by the body as part of our metabolic and digestive processes, environmental toxins constantly enter our body through the skin, lungs or through our foods and drinks. Let’s first take a look at some signs of ama, or toxin build-up in your system..

Some Signs of Accumulated Ama Include

  • Heaviness

  • Morning sluggishness

  • Stiffness

  • Poor concentration

  • Poor appetite

  • Acidity

  • Bloating or heaviness after meals

  • Sticky bowel movements

  • Bad breath

Toxins Accumulate Over Time

Conditions such as chronic joint pain, cough, cold, allergies, sinusitis and high blood sugar, hormonal imbalance, infertility and skin conditions don’t develop overnight. From an Ayurvedic perspective, ama accumulates in the gut before moving into the channels and eventually as a catalyst for the development of disease.

Dietary Habits that Contribute to Poor Digestion and ama Include

  • Regularly eating heavy foods such as meat, eggs, cheese or cold milk

  • Overeating

  • Eating excessive amounts of raw food

  • Eating before the previous meal is properly digested

  • Eating too late at night

  • Incompatible food combinations

  • Eating too fast

  • Eating when stressed or on the run

Times that agni is adversely affected

The change of seasons is one such natural transition that can negatively affect the strength of our digestion, and therefore create ama formation. At these times throughout the year it’s highly beneficial to give your digestion a rest by following an ayurvedic detox diet.

Traditionally in Ayurveda, cleansing is carefully and systematically carried out on a seasonal basis depending on age and stength, as a major part of the prevention of serious or chronic illness. This is where ayurvedic panchakarma cleansing is ideal to support health maintenance, for longevity.

When time or cost is a factor, this simple ayurvedic detox diet is a very gentle, precise process that involves straight-forward guidelines to facilitate the cleansing of accumulated ama, or toxins from the gut as well as those that have accumulated in the deeper tissues.

Benefits of Doing an Ayurvedic Detox Diet

  • Improved energy

  • Better digestion

  • Less fluid retention & bloating

  • Easier eliminations (bowel motions, menstruation)

  • Stabilised weight

  • Stabilise blood sugar

  • Improved mood & mental clarity

Ayurvedic Detox Diet Guidelines

These simplified diet & lifestyle guidelines should only be followed for 5 days unless prescribed for a longer period by your Ayurveda Practitioner and not recommended time and are not intended for long term use.


Cooked veggies

Carrot, pumpkin, zucchini, fennel, spinach, rocket, green beans and other leafy green vegetables + cooked garlic and onion


Bitter melon & papaya, as well as small amounts of fresh berries such as blueberries or strawberries and cooked apples

NOTE that fruit should only be eaten at least 1 hour apart from other foods

Pulses, Legumes & Grains

Whole mung beans (as a soup), split mung beans (as a soup or kitchari), red lentils (as a soup or kitchari), mung bean flour (as pancakes), basmati white rice


Incorporate spices in your cooking such as cumin, ginger, fennel and small amounts of cinnamon, black pepper and salt, as well as use fresh herbs such as coriander and parsley as garnishes.


Warm herbal teas - especially Ginger & Fennel, or Cumin, Coriander & Fennel tea, Hot Water or Black Tea (without milk), Pomegranate Juice & room temperature water.


Milk or milk substitutes, Coffee or alcohol, Wheat, Bread, Pasta, All Meat, Chicken & Fish, Sweets & Biscuits, Deep fried food, Leftover food, Tomatoes, Cabbage, Potato, Cauliflower, Eggplant, Cucumber, Raw salads, All pulses except Mung beans and Red lentils, Fermented foods like Yogurt, Vinegar, Soy Sauce / Tamari, Miso etc. & sour foods like Pickles

You can use this information to craft your own dietary guidelines for an at home 5 Day Ayurvedic Detox, however if you would like more guidance on Ayurvedic cooking, recipes and lifestyle and herbal medicine support, work with Asher 1-1 for a personalised treatment plan.