8 Ayurvedic Tips to Boost Immunity


With a new wave of the virus spreading, I thought it might be a timely reminder to revisit some Ayurvedic practises that we CAN DO to support our immunity.⁠

It might be surprising for you to know that an Ayurvedic lifestyle and applying the principles to your dinacharya is actually the BEST way to boost your immunity!⁠ Dinacharya means our lifestyle - what we do everyday.

8 Tips to Boost Immunity;

1. Establish a sleeping routine⁠

2. Get up early⁠

3. Regular exercise⁠

4. Pranayama⁠

5. Meditation⁠

6. Self-massage ⁠

7. Nasya with anu oil or ghee (prescriptive only)⁠

8. Add more spices such as tulsi, turmeric, cardamom, long pepper, ginger & clove into your diet⁠

In Ayurveda, it's understood that the corona virus, all three doshas are aggravated, especially kapha, and is a condition involving agni mandya and rasa dushya. ⁠

For those experiencing a dry cough

- Warm oil & with rock salt (1tsp) on the chest and back(karpooradi oil is great), then warm towels on chest (or bath) ⁠

- Pippali with boiled milk ⁠

- Gargle black salt tea 3 x per day ⁠

- Gandusha with sesame oil ⁠

- Chew 1 clove 3 x per day ⁠

Ayurveda offers a plethora of classical formulations. All need to be individually prescribed which is why I’ve included a mini consult as part of my CV Treatment Package. CV Prevention packages also available. Email me.