Nurturing Spiritual Health: The Inseparable Link Between Well-being + Spirituality


RITUAL📿 .. ⁠

How much do you prioritize? Or how much do you resist it? ⁠


My Ayurveda Archayra (Ayurveda Professor) ⁠would say we must be happy at a spiritual level FIRST, before at the mental level. I often reflect on this ..⁠

⁠Indeed, each one of us is going through their own experience of this pandemic right now. What can be SEEN is that it’s a time for ELEVATING our CONSCIOUSNESS to that of our innate SPIRITUAL selves.⁠

CREATION of SACRED moments within the simple day-to-day life is what it means for me, to imbibe RITUAL into our lives. An honouring of sacred moments is ritual. What does SACRED look like to you?

How to strengthen your daily sadhana (daily practice)

⁠FAITH is the most important factor as it is only through faith that we have the PATIENCE and ENERGY to practice against the odds of life.⁠

If one is patient, the mind more settled, what one does will be more perfect. If one is unsettled and anxious to get results, one is already disturbed - nothing done with that mind will have quality. ⁠

So, it is not only about how long you practice, but with what patience, what earnestness and what quality also.⁠

One should feel desire towards her daily sadhana as though she is attracted towards a sweet dish - the practices can bring the desired result only if they are done with love and attraction, willingly. There should be no feeling of compulsion.⁠

With practice - abhyasa - this stills the rajasic and tamasic qualities of the mind, bringing forth the quality of sattva ✨

Connecting with your inner divinity

There are many ways that we as human beings can relate to our divinity, to search for that divinity, and to discover that divinity within ourselves.

All that LIFE is waiting for is a moment of being still - then the resonant force, spirit, can come ALIVE in you.

Spirit is the symbol for transformation. So when we open to spirit, we’re opening to TRANSFORMATION.
When we surrender we become available. Faith and trust in things unseen heals.

The nature of trust is like a fertile land

Believe in universal goodness and unconditional love.

Make the intention to see, feel, and experience these qualities until experiencing intimacy with them.

Then dwell on that experience.

That’s how to establish trust. In yourself, or your higher wisdom.

With grace and trust, you create a strong foundation for your intuition to flow through and guide your path forwards.

Don’t loose faith in your own abilities, creativity and strength.

The warmth of the sun, ⁠

the smell of jasmine, ⁠

the singing of birds,⁠

the smell of freshly baked peaches..

⁠Almost everything you love about life escapes the comprehension of your intellect, because direct enjoyment of anything at all is experienced as the flow of consciousness, which transcends intellectual analysis. ⁠

To learn more about nourishing your spiritual health and utilising the ancient ayurvedic and yogic practises, book in for an Ayurveda Consultation. I’d love to inspire you towards slow living, simplicity and bringing forth your sattvic nature of purity and calmness,