Everything You Need to Know About Nahbi Vijnanam (Belly Massage) ~ An Ayurvedic Treatment Profile

Art of Living Ayurveda Treatments Nahbi Vijnanam Navel Center

What Is The Nabhi?

The nahbi, otherwise known as the naval centre, occupies the most important position in our bodies. As babies, we are fed through the nabhi – a cord develops and attaches to the babies nahbi. Our entire nutrition comes from our mother’s heart through the placenta to our nabhi when we are in the womb. 

We are all extremely vulnerable at our nabhi centre. When the umbilical cord is cut, we grow up and forget about it.  Yet, there is an energetical ball that remains at our nahbi center that disappears when we die. It is similar to the Hara in Chinese Medicine, located four finger-widths below the belly button.

According to Ayurveda, our nahbi becomes active when the umbilical cord is cut at birth and all the sense organs become activated. The nahbi is our emotional centre. The aorta comes into the belly button and splits in two. The intestines are behind the nahbi, as well as the muscle, fascia. 

Ultimately, it’s how we respond to situations and live our life that causes our nahbi to become dislodged or out of balance 

The nahbi is one of the most important diagnostic and treatment tools in Ayurveda, however since there is little information in the ancient texts, this information and practice has been passed down mainly through the oral tradition and from teacher to student over the ages.

72,000 nadis (energetic channels) are connected to the nabhi centre that connect us to our spiritual nature, sometimes called Avyakta in Ayurveda.

The nahbi has the same amount of neurons as the brain - so it’s like the second brain 

What is Nabhi Vijnanam?

Nabhi Vijnanam is an examination and treatment in Ayurveda used to correct imbalances caused by a dislodged nabhi, testing for stress and anxiety, emotional well-being, including our sexuality and sexual relating.

Often plaques - which are hardened areas felt in the belly - can be a result of negative energy stored in our body. The more energy you compress and hold on to, the tighter your nahbi gets, leading to further dis-balance in the physical and psychological body.

Nahbi Vijnanam Diagnosis & Treatment

It’s important to only receive nahbi from a qualified & trained Ayurveda or Yoga Practitioner. The procedure will usually involve an initial diagnosis by palpation (touch of the naval center and around), measurement of nahbi to big toes for women, and from nahbi to nipples for men. 

This will often be followed by a deep belly massage in a rhythmic and specific nature based on your condition. The conclusion of the treatment involves a manual stretch by the Practitioner on each leg of the client, then measure again. 

This entire sequence may be repeated to encourage the nahbi to move back towards the naval centre. For best results, Nahbi Vijnanam works best in conjunction with an Ayurvedic prescription including dietary and lifestyle recommendations specific for your unique constitution and circumstance.

Often practiced in conjunction with a Lumbar Twist and / or Ayurvedic Massage (Abhyanga).

Benefits of Nahbi Vijnanam

  • Corrects digestion, assimilation and elimination (called Deepana, Pachana & Anulomana in Ayurveda) - the key to health as per Ayurveda

  • Helps to balance agni - digestive fire

  • Allows one to breathe properly - receiving prana and energy

  • Physically helps to release toxins from the body (ama)

Problems Associated With A Dislodged Nahbi

When the nahbi is dislodged - meaning the pulse felt at the naval centre is displaced - it can pull down on the stomach, pancreas and liver so that the pancreas can’t function, which is an early cause of Diabetes, for example. 

A hardened nahbi will affect our blood circulation. On the back body opposite the nahbi, is T12 - this is the most significant and vulnerable part of your body. Any imbalance in the nabhi, due to emotional or physical trauma will affect the entire body. All the knots or plaques found in nahbi, over the long term, have the ability to become tumours.

If dislodged, the nahbi causes conditions such as; 

  • Constipation

  • Acidity

  • Premenstrual cramps

  • Period pain / irregular periods

  • Unhealthy menstrual discharge / leucorrhoea 

  • Lower back pain

  • Constipation / Loose motions

  • Heart disease

  • Severe aches & pains

  • Sterility

  • Aggression 

  • Depression

  • Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D)

Diet, alcohol, drugs, and excessive consumption can all be reasons the nahbi is dislodged. Nahbi maintains posture and balance - when we predominantly using one side of the body, our energy is used on one side - which can also displace nahbi. 

The nabhi can be dislocated by excessive use, wrong use, repetitive lifting of heavy weights, aggressive sex, excessive horse-riding, riding a bicycle for too long, self-pleasure and grief. 

Nahbi Vijnanam (specialised Ayurvedic diagnosis treatment of the nahbi) helps to correct and guide clients to come to terms with the emotions of the past and present. If the nabhi is balanced, all the 72,000 nadis are supporting you properly. 

An Ayurvedic approach to keep our nahbi in balance is reconciliation - when you reconcile and stop carrying your negative patterns you will release the blockage.

If you don’t change your ways, meaning the aggravating dietary and lifestyle factors, the nahbi will be dis-placed again. There are ways you can treat yourself which include yoga asanas & being happy being i.e not holding tension in the belly. 

Yoga Asanas To Help Maintain A Healthy Nahbi 

The Yoga Asanas specifically to help release tension in the Nahbi are; 

  1. Chakrasana/ Wheel pose

  2. Naukasana/ Boat Pose

  3. Dhanurasana/ Bow Pose

  4. Matsyasana/ Fish Pose (with legs in Padmasana) 

Best Times To Receive Nahbi Vijnanam

  • Late teens

  • First time having sexual relationship

  • Once per year at the end of Autumn 

  • For kids every 3 months over the age of 5 (especially if there has been trauma) 

  • For indigestion

  • Lower back pain

  • Tummy ache / cramps

  • Period pain

Best Practices For A Healthy, Balanced Nahbi 

Daily self Abhyanga (self-massage). With regular Kunjala (Ayurvedic & Yogic Kriya or Sat-karma practice) and Basti (Enemas) you can move it yourself, however with therapy, in most situations, you can reduce pain or discomfort by half in two weeks. 

Nahbi Vijnanam is available upon referral following an Ayurveda Initial Consultation.

Asher-Lily Green