Top 5 Ayurvedic Lifestyle Tips for a Refreshing Summer

Top 5 DInacharya Lifestyle Tips for Summer & Pitta Dosha - Asher-Lily Green

OK, so we may be nearing the end of summer here on the East-Coast of Australia, or the PEAK.. depending on how you look at it! Summer is predominantly characterised by heat and humidity here in the Northern Rivers. It’s like walking into a room in which this hot environment prevails, related to the fire element in Ayurveda - hence, everyone will be affected by the seasons. The summer season therefore calls for cooling daily routines, practices and diet. So here’s my Top 5 Lifestyle Tips for Summer to pacify the fire element within;

  1. Practice only gentle exercise in the early morning - yoga, tai chi, qi gung, or other exercise in the coolness of the early morning or late afternoon

  2. Take cooling drinks such as pomegranate, apple juice, small amounts of coconut water or coriander iced tea

  3. Use ghee or coconut oil for cooking

  4. Use coconut oil soley, or try sesame & coconut oil at a ratio of 1:1 for self-massage if you’re finding you’re getting extremely hot this Summer

  5. Practice Sheetali Pranayama – from a relaxed and upright position, close your eyes, stick out your and curl it up and in to make a small hole, inhale the cool breath through the curled tongue, then withdraw the tongue inside and steadily exhale through the nose. Repeat up to 10 times

*Please note that these tips are intended to be helpful, however do not substitute for tailored recommendations suitable for your current state of health - book in to see your local Ayurveda Practitioner or myself at the Mudita Institute and Health Clinic in Mullumbimby, Northern NSW.

Asher-Lily Green